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MONROE, La. (KNOE) - Parents, students and guardians who need help filling out the 2024-2025 FAFSA form can attend the Monroe campus Louisiana Delta Community College FAFSA Frenzy on Feb. 6 from 5-7 p.m.
FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is a form that has to be completed each year to determine eligibility for any governmental assistance for college.
Faculty at LDCC said they are hosting the event because they understand the challenges faced while completing the FAFSA form correctly.
”We understand the FAFSA process can be daunting for many families,” said LDCC interim director of financial aid, Crystal Gaines. “Our FAFSA Frenzy welcomes all students, regardless of their intended college, to our Monroe campus, where they will receive expert guidance and support in completing the form.”
FAFSA can help determine student eligibility for things such as Federal Pell Grants; Federal Work-Study funds; student loans; and various scholarships and grants offered by federal, state, institutional, and private sources.
Gaines also said it is important for everyone to complete the FAFSA form, as some may be eligible for financial aid without realizing it.
“FAFSA considers various factors, so completing the application is very important,” Gaines said.
According to a news release from LDCC, the event will address a major source of anxiety regarding FAFSA, and that is correctly submitting the form.
”Attendees can be assured that their FAFSA forms will be submitted accurately, alleviating a common worry until confirmation is received,” read the news release.
Students do not need to have plans to attend LDCC to be able to go to the event. FAFSA Frenzy is open to the community.
Attendees are encourages to bring their 2022 tax information and their Federal Student Aid login, if available.
Also at the event will be representatives from colleges and the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Aid (LOSFA) to give information about scholarships and programs.
FAFSA Frenzy will be at the Monroe campus, located at 7500 Millhaven Rd. For more information, contact the LDCC financial aid office at (318)-345-9005.
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