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Editor’s note: A version of this article previously appeared on Think with Google Canada. It addresses the importance of mobile speed for both global and local brands.
We’ve all been there before: You try to search for something and make a simple purchase on your mobile phone, and you find roadblocks everywhere. The site is too slow to load. It’s impossible to find the item you’re looking for. The checkout process takes forever. You abandon your cart in frustration.
This familiar situation can have a considerable impact on a brand’s bottom line. In retail, we’ve seen that even a one-second delay in load time can impact conversion by up to 20%,1 meaning too many companies are missing out on conversions that should be quick and easy.
The good news is there are quick fixes that you can implement to optimize your mobile experience. And as one company learned, these steps can produce big wins right away.
Last year, my team at Google did an audit of 100 of the biggest and most visited mobile sites in Canada. We saw the same issues come up again and again. And they’re not unique to Canada.
Here are five actions you can take that will have the biggest impact:
A Vancouver-based junk removal company, 1-800-Got-Junk?, with franchises throughout North America and Australia, was looking for ways to improve its mobile booking process. After reducing page weight, improving forms for users to fill in, and making the calendar booking system easier for mobile users, the team saw excellent results almost instantly.
Over the course of 28 days in November 2018, the company’s mobile sessions were up by 19% year over year, and entries in its mobile online booking engine increased 13%. With page-load time down 28%, the bounce rate reduced by 4%.
“Our mobile experience is now one more way that we make the ordinary business of junk removal exceptional,” said Geoff Henshaw, vice president, digital marketing and customer insights at 1-800-Got-Junk?.
The solutions are out there, and they’re not difficult to implement. Create an action plan, monitor your mobile site speed regularly, and a frictionless mobile future awaits.
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1 SOASTA,The State of Online Retail Performance, U.S., April 2017.
2,3 Google Research, Webpagetest.org, sampled 11M global mWeb domains loaded using a globally representative 4G connection, Jan. 2018.
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